5 Tips to Help You Balance Screen Time with Your Child

By Irene Travis

  • Why Balance Matters:

    Let’s chat about screen time! We all know that screens can be educational, entertaining, and a way for kids to find social connection, but too much of a good thing can have some not-so-great effects. You see, excessive screen time can lead to physical and mental fatigue, and it can be a major distraction that affects productivity. It can affect sleep schedules, especially if children are using screens right before bedtime. So let’s talk about how to be mindful of how much time we spend in front of screens and make sure to take regular breaks!

    Five Tips to Help You Find Balance

  • Set Screen Time Limits:

    Gather as a family to discuss and set daily or weekly screen time limits. Involving your children in the conversation helps them be aware of the expectations and encourages them to buy in. Additionally, designate areas (like the dinner table) where screens are off-limits. This creates opportunities for connection and conversation and sets clear limits for your child. Once you set the expectations, make sure to remain consistent, perfection isn’t needed! But consistency is key to avoiding meltdowns and confusion over screen time rules.

  • Give Good Alternatives to Screen Time

    This tip makes it a bit easier on you to enforce the limits and expectations you create. If you have appealing alternatives to screen time it makes it much easier for your child to transition from their screens. Some ideas to mix it up:

    • Get Crafty! Set out some crafting material (don’t overthink it it can be egg cartons, paint, popsicle sticks, etc) and let your child work on a fun project. You can let your child work on something independently or you can create something together for some added connection.

    • Head Outside: Enjoy some fresh air with your child on a nature walk, playing in the yard or park. Add a bit of structure to these outdoor adventures by doing a “color walk”. Encourage your child to find items in nature of varying colors.

    • Play a Game: This can be a fun age-appropriate board game ( you may not want to ask your 3-year-old to play Monopoly)or you can play a silly simple game of freeze dance, hide and seek, or let your child pick a game. Kids are GREAT at making up games, the rules may not always make sense, but it can be a great way to connect and get playful together.

  • Balance Homework and Play

    Your child may be using their screens for homework, which depending on age may take a bit of time. Try the Pomodoro Technique to make homework time more engaging and productive! Encourage your children to tackle focused homework sessions for 25 minutes, followed by 5-minute breaks. For older children, you can extend the focus and break times or make them shorter as needed to meet your child’s needs. You as parents, can join in the fun by working on your tasks or chores while they study. It is a great way to boost productivity together while giving your brain and eyes a little break from the screens and tough work! 

  • Create a Weekly Schedule

    Block it out: Help your child create a balanced weekly schedule that includes homework, extracurricular activities, chores, screen time, and play. Creating visual schedules and guidelines can help your children follow along and clearly understand when they will have screen time. Knowing what to expect can help ease some anxiety in many children.

    Include Family Time: Set aside specific times each week for family activities that do not involve screens. Game nights, outdoor activities or simply making or having dinner together are great options!

  • Be a Role Model

    This may be your least favorite tip, but it’s important!

    • Lead by Example: It is important to show your children how you balance screen time by setting a positive example. Try putting away devices during family meals or other times with your child to help you remain present and set the tone for your home. Your kids will learn from your actions!

    • Engage in Screen Time Together: Screen time can be a powerful tool for connection and fun! Try playing your child’s favorite video game with them, plan a movie night together, or send them a silly reel. It is a fun way to bond and keep balance at the forefront!

We hope this gives you a starting place to help you balance screen time in your home. If you enjoyed this blog, check out our other blogs for other topics and tips!

If you are looking for additional support for your child or family, we’re here to help! Reach out today and see if we are a good fit.


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